


第41回日本接着歯学会学術大会 プログラム



特別講演1 13:00~14:00


座長:坪田 有史 先生
(日本接着歯学会 副理事長/坪田デンタルクリニック 院長)
講師:高橋 英登 先生
(日本歯科医師連盟 会長/井荻歯科医院 院長)

特別講演2 14:20~14:50


座長:奈良 陽一郎 先生
(日本接着歯学会 理事長/日本歯科大学生命歯学部 接着歯科学講座 教授)
講師:住友 雅人 先生
(日本歯科医学会 会長)

専門医認定研修会 15:10~16:10


座長&演者:加藤 正治 先生
(専門医認定委員会 委員長)



演者:秋本 尚武 先生
(研修検討委員会 委員長)


教育講演(JSAD) 10:00~11:00


座長:二階堂 徹 先生(第41回日本接着歯学会学術大会 大会長/朝日大学歯学部口腔機能修復学講座歯科保存学分野歯冠修復学 教授)
講師:菅谷  勉 先生
(北海道大学大学院歯学研究院歯周・歯内療法学講座 教授)

IAD2022@ Sappro プログラム



招待講演1 14:00~14:45

「Creating a future of dentistry」

Chair: Dr. Yasushi Shimada (Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Speaker: Dr. Junji Tagami (Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

招待講演2 15:00~15:45

「Sustainable biomimetic approaches for restoration of vital vs devital teeth」

Chair: Dr. Monica Yamauti (Hokkaido University)
Speaker: Dr. Sema Belli (Selcuk University,Turkey)

招待講演3 16:00~16:45

「Key features modern universal adhesives need for durable bonding」

Chair: Dr. Satoshi Inoue (Hokkaido University)
Speaker: Dr. Bart Van Meerbeek (KU Leuven)



招待講演4 9:00~9:45

「Advantages, disadvantages and future direction of adhesive dentistry.」

Chair: Dr. Masahiro Yoshiyama (Okayama University)
Speaker: Dr. Ricardo M. Carvalho (University of British Columbia)

招待講演5 10:00~10:45

「Clinical aspects of Resin-Bonded Fixed Dental Prostheses(RBFDPs) with ovate pontic in the esthetic region」

Chair: Dr. Satoshi Imazato (Osaka University)
Speaker: Dr. Hiroyuki Kibayashi(Kibayashi Dental Clinic in Kyoto)


招待講演6 9:00~9:45

Evidence for polymerization stress effects on resin-tooth bonding」

Chair: Dr. Takatsugu Yamamoto (Tsurumi University)
Speaker: Dr. Jack L. Ferracane (Oregon Health&Science University, portland ,Oregon,USA)

Educational Lecture (IAD):On-demand delivery


S-PRG fillers in dental adhesives – what we know so far?」

Dr. Alessandra Bühler Borges (Institute of Science and Technology of São Jose dos Campos, São Paulo State University)


「Tips&Tricks to improve bond longevity

Dr. Lorenzo Breschi 
(Department ot Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Dental School, University of Bologna)


Restoration of structurally compromised endodontically treated posterior teeth with endocrowns」

Dr. Esra Can (Department Head of Restorative Dentistry, Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry / President of the Turkish Society of Restorative Dentistry)


PANAVIATM : Past, present and future」

Dr. Jorge Espigares
(Kuraray Noritake Dental Inc.)


「The bonding performance between metal and ceramic: A clinical and experimental report

Dr. Jiale Fu (Department of Dental Materials, The 2nd Department of Prosthodontics,School and Hospital of Stomatology,China Medical University)


Adhesion to zirconia: from the conventional to the highly translucent」

Dr. Cui Huang
(Wuhan University, School and Hospital of Stomatology)


The evolution and harmony of analog and digital in direct composite restorative challenges 2022」

Dr. Keiichi Hosaka (Department of Regenerative Dental Medicine, Tokushima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences)


「Technologies in Dental Materials in Tokuyama Dental Corporation

Mr. Koichiro Hirata 
(Tokuyama Dental Corporation, Marketing Department)


Composites: clinical view and research data are on the same page?」

Dr. Ronaldo Hirata
(Biomaterials and Biomimetis, College of Dentistry, New York University)


”Bio-active” restorative materials: What are they?」

Dr. Satoshi Imazato
(Department of Biomaterials Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry)


Solving the challenge in developing an ideal single-component universal adhesive」

Dr. Naoya Kitada
(Research and Development Dept., SHOFU INC.)


「Mechanism and chemistry of G-CEM ONE TM Why efficient even in challenging clinical situation such as CAD/CAM restoration」

Mr. Hiroto Minamisawa (GC Corporation)


Science & technique of clinical success in composite restorations」

Dr. Masashi Miyazaki (Department of Operative Dentistry, Nihon University School of Dentistry)


Clinical performance of adhesive restorations」

Dr. Rafael R. Moraes
(Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas)


Light curing complexities. Clinical simplicity」

Dr. Joe Oxmen
(3M Oral Care Solutions Division)


Clinical benefits of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin cement comparing with composite resin cements」

Dr. Takafumi Otani (Private Practice, Osaka Japan / Clinical Associate Professor at Osaka University / Affiliate Professor at University of Washington)


Future perspectives in adhesive dentistry - biological interactions」

Dr. Carmem S. Pfeifer (Biomaterials and Biomechanics, Oregon Health & Science University)


Myths in dental bonding」

Dr. Alessandra Reis
(Department of Restorative Dentistry, State University of Ponta Grossa)


State-of-the-art structural adhesive dentistry: diagnosis and management」

Dr. Alireza Sadr (Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry,University of Washington)


Evolution of adhesives & curing mechanisms」

Dr. Byoung In Suh

(BISCO, Inc.)


Role of smear layer in adhesive dentistry and how to improve bond to dentin with self-etching adhesives」

Dr. Pipop Saikaew (Department of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University)


「The Instagram dilemma: selecting resin composite or glass-ionomer?」

Dr. Sharan K. Sidhu
(Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London)


Dental OCT system for diagnosis of caries and tooth crack」

Dr. Yasushi Shimada (Department of Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)


Chemistry and recent developments of universal adhesives」

Dr. Christoph Thalacker
(Lead Specialist Product Development, 3M Oral Care)


「The new two-step universal adhesive G2-Bond Universal – a step back or forward? –」

Dr. Antonin Tichy (Department of Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University / Institute of Dental Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University)


Rethinking clinical bonding protocols: how the altered dentin substrates determine new approaches」

Dr. Linda Wang
(Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo)


The role of functional monomer in dental adhesives」

Dr. Kumiko Yoshihara
(Health and Medical Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)


「Alumina blasting on CAD/CAM materials to achieve durable bonding performance.-When and how to blast?-

Dr. Tomohiro Takagaki (Department of Operative Dentistry, Division of Oral Functional Science and Rehabilitation, School of Dentistry, Asahi University)


Dental restoration: the fantastic morphology of adhesive interface」

Dr. Shuhei Hoshika (Department of Health Science, Division of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University)